Blue Eyes Entertainment, led by Executive Producer Jason Sciavicco, is an award winning team of talented producers dedicated to telling impactful and original stories through compelling documentaries, feature films, and award winning series. Blue Eyes has provided access for viewers to some of the most legendary teams in sports and entertainment.
Our creativity is essential in the way we produce original content for our customers. We develop intentionally and specifically so that all of your expectations are not only met, but exceeded.
Our company is built on integrity. We value our customer relationships and work hard to preserve an honest and sincere experience for each and every person.
We work hard to produce innovative shows for our customers. We strive for a greatness that exceeds the normal and often dare to push past conventional limits to produce exceptional work.
Jason Sciavicco
Executive producer. Showrunner. Storyteller.
Sciavicco also created the groundbreaking series “Two-a-Days” for MTV. After two successful seasons on MTV, Jason embarked on a television project entitled “Varsity Inc,” which aired in prime-time on ESPN. The series was a high intensity docu-reality series that showcases the lives of high school football players on one of the top teams in the country. Cameras bring viewers inside the lives of typical teenagers, exposing the pressures, successes, and failures in their lives, on and off the field. Recently, Sciavicco was the Executive Producer/Showrunner for the critically acclaimed and very controversial, Esquire Network series “Friday Night Tykes”.
Emmy award winning television producer Jason Sciavicco has been producing various television series with leading networks for over 15 years. Sciavicco started his career as a production assistant and climbed swiftly to the top. Sciavicco has worked with major television networks and entertainment agencies including FOX, ABC, NBC, ESPN, MTV, CMT, OWN, Showtime, Esquire, Olympics and World Wrestling Entertainment. He currently serves as Executive Producer/Showrunner on Showtime’s franchise series; “A Season With…” with previous season on Notre Dame, Florida State and U.S. Naval Academy.